Customer Care


About Projects

1. How many projects can I create with each pricing package?

- The Free package allows users to create up to 1 project, while the Plus package offers 5 projects.

2. Can I upgrade or downgrade my project limit after subscribing to a pricing package?

- Yes, you can easily upgrade or downgrade your project limit at any time through your account settings.

3. Can I delete a project if I no longer need it?

- Yes, you can delete projects from your account at any time. However, please note that deleted projects cannot be recovered, so ensure you have backed up any important data before deletion.

4. Are there any restrictions on the types of projects I can create?

- No, you can create a wide range of projects, including web development, app design, UX/UI projects, and more, based on your specific needs and requirements.

5. Can I export my projects to other platforms or file formats?

- Yes, you can export your projects to various file formats, including PDF, PNG, and SVG, allowing for easy sharing and integration with other tools and platforms.


About Progress

1. Do I need to know how to use LavitFlow?

No, you don't need prior experience to use LavitFlow. It's designed to be user-friendly and accessible for beginners as well as experienced users.

2. Do you provide tutorials?

Yes, we provide tutorials on our website and social media platforms, as well as other educational content to help you make the most of LavitFlow's features.

3. Will you be adding more components in the future?

Yes, we continuously update LavitFlow with new components and features to enhance your design capabilities and provide more options for your projects.

4. Can I export my projects to other platforms or file formats?

Yes, you can export your projects to various file formats, including PDF, PNG, and SVG, allowing for easy sharing and integration with other tools and platforms.


About Payment

1. Do you accept multiple payment methods?

- Yes, we accept payments via credit/debit cards and Stripe.

2. Do you offer discounts for annual subscriptions?

- Yes, you can save 30% by choosing the annual billing option.

3. Can I change my payment method later?

- Absolutely, you can update your payment method at any time through your account settings.

4. Are there any hidden fees associated with the subscription?
- No, our subscription fees are transparent, and there are no hidden charges or additional fees.

5. How can I update my billing information?

- You can easily update your billing information by logging into your account and navigating to the payment settings.

6. Will I receive a receipt for my payments?

- Yes, you will receive a receipt for every payment transaction made towards your subscription.

7. Are there any taxes applicable to the subscription fee?

- Applicable taxes may vary depending on your location and local tax regulations.

8. Can I temporarily pause or suspend my subscription?

- Yes, you can pause or suspend your subscription temporarily if needed. Simply contact our support team to arrange it.

Report a Bug!

Oops. We f*#$ed up 🙂

🐛 Help Us Make LavitFlow Better! 🐛

First off, thank you for being part of LavitFlow. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve LavitFlow.

If you’ve encountered a bug or something doesn’t feel quite right, please let us know. This ensures that not only will you have a better experience, but future users will too.

How to Report a Bug:

  1. Describe the Bug:
    Be as detailed as possible. The more we know, the quicker we can act.

  2. Steps to Reproduce:
    Let us know the steps you took when you encountered the bug.

  3. Expected Result:
    What did you expect to happen?

  4. Actual Result:
    What actually happened?

  5. Screenshots (if possible):
    A picture is worth a thousand words. If you can, please attach any relevant screenshots.

  6. Your System Information:
    Please let us know which browser you’re using, its version, and your operating system.

Request a feature!

ヾ(*Ő౪Ő*) So you really like us?

💡 Help Shape the Future of LavitFlow! 💡

Your experience matters to us. As we continue to develop and refine LavitFlow, we want to ensure it serves your needs to the fullest. If you have a feature or enhancement in mind that would make your experience even better, we’d love to hear about it.

How to Request a Feature:

  1. Describe the Feature:
    Paint us a picture of your idea. The clearer you are, the better we can understand your vision.

  2. Why is this Feature Important to You?:
    Share the challenges or issues it addresses or how it would improve your workflow.

  3. Any Similar Feature You’ve Seen Elsewhere?:
    If you’ve seen a similar feature in another tool or app, let us know. It can help us visualize your request.

  4. How Would This Feature Change Your Experience?:
    Give us an idea of how this addition would enhance your user experience.



💡 Help Shape the Future of LavitFlow! 💡

Need assistance with LavitFlow? Our support team is here to help! To open a support ticket, please follow these simple steps:

How to Open a Ticket:

1. Fill Out the Form: Provide your name, email address, and a brief description of the issue or question you need assistance with.

2. Detailed Description: Please provide as much detail as possible about the issue you’re experiencing or the question you have. The more information you can provide, the better we can assist you.

3. Urgency Level: Let us know how urgent your request is on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being not urgent and 5 being extremely urgent.

4. Attach Files (Optional): If you have any relevant screenshots, documents, or other files related to your support request, feel free to attach them to the form.

5. Submit Your Ticket: Once you’ve completed the form, click the submit button to send your support ticket to our team.