Report a bug

Report a Bug!

Oops. We f*#$ed up 🙂

🐛 Help Us Make LavitFlow Better! 🐛

First off, thank you for being part of our beta program. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve LavitFlow.

If you’ve encountered a bug or something doesn’t feel quite right, please let us know. This ensures that not only will you have a better experience, but future users will too.

How to Report a Bug:

  1. Describe the Bug:
    Be as detailed as possible. The more we know, the quicker we can act.

  2. Steps to Reproduce:
    Let us know the steps you took when you encountered the bug.

  3. Expected Result:
    What did you expect to happen?

  4. Actual Result:
    What actually happened?

  5. Screenshots (if possible):
    A picture is worth a thousand words. If you can, please attach any relevant screenshots.

  6. Your System Information:
    Please let us know which browser you’re using, its version, and your operating system.